Shaka Upgrade Guide, v2.2 => v2.3

This is a detailed guide for upgrading from Shaka Player v2.2 to v2.3. Feel free to skim or to search for the class and method names you are using in your application.

What's New in v2.3?

Shaka v2.3 introduces several improvements over v2.2, including:

  • Support for HLS live streams
  • Support for HLS VOD streams that do not start at t=0
  • MPEG-2 TS content can be transmuxed to MP4 for playback on all browsers
  • Captions are not streamed until they are shown
  • Use NetworkInformation API to get initial bandwidth estimate
  • The demo app is now a Progressive Web App (PWA) and can be used offline

HLS start time configuration

For VOD HLS content which does not start at t=0, v2.2 had a configuration called manifest.hls.defaultTimeOffset which applications could use to inform us of the correct start time for content.

This has been removed in v2.3. The start time of HLS content can now be automatically extracted from the segments themselves. No configuration is necessary.

Text parser API changes

The text-parsing plugin API has changed. Plugins now take a Uint8Array instead of an ArrayBuffer like in v2.2. This allowed us to optimize and prevent buffer copies.

// v2.2
 * @param {!ArrayBuffer} data
 * @param {shakaExtern.TextParser.TimeContext} timeContext
 * @return {!Array.<!shaka.text.Cue>}
MyTextParser.prototype.parseMedia = function(data, timeContext) {};

// v2.3
 * @param {!Uint8Array} data
 * @param {shakaExtern.TextParser.TimeContext} timeContext
 * @return {!Array.<!shaka.text.Cue>}
MyTextParser.prototype.parseMedia = function(data, timeContext) {};

All application-specific text-parsing plugins MUST to be updated. v2.3 does not have backward compatibility for this!

See shakaExtern.TextParser.prototype.parseInit and shakaExtern.TextParser.prototype.parseMedia for details.

Offline storage API changes

In v2.2, the remove() method on shaka.offline.Storage took an instance of StoredContent as an argument. Now, in v2.3, it takes a the offlineUri field from StoredContent as an argument.

All applications which use offline storage SHOULD update to the new API. Support for the old argument will be removed in v2.4.

// v2.2:
storage.list().then(function(storedContentList) {
  var someContent = storedContentList[someIndex];

// v2.3:
storage.list().then(function(storedContentList) {
  var someContent = storedContentList[someIndex];

Retry after streaming failure

In v2.1.3, we introduced a new config called streaming.infiniteRetriesForLiveStreams to control retry behavior for live streams. In v2.2, we added a more flexible callback mechanism to specify retry behavior for all kinds of streams.

// v2.1
  streaming: {
    infiniteRetriesForLiveStreams: true  // the default

// v2.3
  streaming: {
    failureCallback: function(error) {
      // Always retry live streams:
      if (player.isLive()) player.retryStreaming();

// v2.1
  streaming: {
    infiniteRetriesForLiveStreams: false  // do not retry live

// v2.3
  streaming: {
    failureCallback: function(error) {
      // Do nothing, and we will stop trying to stream the content.

The streaming.infiniteRetriesForLiveStreams config was deprecated in v2.2 and removed in v2.3.

The player.retryStreaming() method can be used to retry after a failure. You can base the decision on player.isLive(), error.code, or anything else. Because you can call retryStreaming() at any time, you can also delay the decision until you get feedback from the user, the browser is back online, etc.

A few more examples of possible failure callbacks:

function neverRetryCallback(error) {}

function alwaysRetryCallback(error) {

function retryOnSpecificHttpErrorsCallback(error) {
  if (error.code == shaka.util.Error.Code.BAD_HTTP_STATUS) {
    var statusCode =[1];
    var retryCodes = [ 502, 503, 504, 520 ];
    if (retryCodes.indexOf(statusCode) >= 0) {

If you choose to react to error events instead of the failure callback, you can use event.preventDefault() to avoid the callback completely:

player.addEventListener('error', function(event) {
  // Custom logic for error events
  if (player.isLive() &&
      event.error.code == shaka.util.Error.Code.BAD_HTTP_STATUS) {

  // Do not invoke the failure callback for this event

Language and role selection

In addition to the language methods introduced in v2.1, v2.3 adds additional methods for dealing with roles: getAudioLanguagesAndRoles() and getTextLanguagesAndRoles(). These return language/role combinations in an object. You can specify a role in an optional second argument to the language selection methods.

// v2.3:
var languagesAndRoles = player.getAudioLanguagesAndRoles();

for (var i = 0; i < languagesAndRoles.length; ++i) {
  var combo = languagesAndRoles[i];
  if (someSelector(combo)) {
    player.selectAudioLanguage(combo.language, combo.role);